Our goal is for you to leave feeling better than before

Long-Standing Illness? Sports Injury?

Let’s relieve your pain and increase your mobility.

Book a 45-minute treatment with Chris or a 30-minute treatment with Darren to address your concerns, through a range of therapies.

We will talk you through your injury and supply post-treatment exercises to keep you on the right track.

Through playing and competing at an amateur level, and working to professional level Darren has been on both sides of the treatment room. Over the years he has learned to combine a number of treatment methods to give each individual the best treatment specific to their situation, needs and goals.

Prefered treatment methods include:

Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) is a specialised form of manual therapy which addresses both the nervous system (the pain generator) and the muscular system together.

Dry Needling

This is a technique therapists and doctors use for the treatment of pain, muscular tension and movement impairments. The technique uses a ‘dry’ needle, one without medication or fluid to inject, inserting it directly into the problem area. Dry needling follows evidence-based guidelines. It is sometimes also called intramuscular stimulation.

ART (Active Release Techniques)

 ART soft tissue treatment technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.

All these structures are commonly affected by overuse, also known as Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD). Such conditions can often be resolved quickly and permanently with ART.

Soft Tissue Release Therapy Techniques

This is a treatment technique where the therapist uses specially designed tools on the body to elicit a positive change in the body. It is used to treat pain and injury and to address tightness or limited range of movement from restricted soft tissues.

This treatment can promote a healing or physiological response by the body to change the soft tissues at a cellular level. This can soften and reduce scar tissue as well as make injured tissues stronger.


Kinesiotape is a treatment technique using a special elastic tape (very similar to human skin, both in thickness and elasticity) designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the effect of other forms of manual therapy received.